Weekend Reading: 12.15.18 Career Inspiration & More
December 15, 2018
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Photo by Jakob Owens |
Hey there gang! We've almost made it towards Christmas Break! I'm so excited to visit home and not go into the office for the holidays. I'm sure you are too, so here are some things I've found around the web this week that I think you'll enjoy. Have a happy weekend my friend!
- Tis the season to job hunt: How to stay sane in your day job. This is for every entrepreneurial spirit out there who are hustling to make their dreams happen but still working a day job to pay the bills (I'm right there with yah)
- A new approach to finding a career you actually like!
- Repeat after me “ my job does not define me” a cool piece about finding happiness and fulfillment outside of work
- Truth - Read these 10 tips because we all need to be reminded of this every now and then.
- I really want to check out an illusionists show!!
- or this one!
- And a murder mystery dinner party! I know it's dorky but I don’t care.
- Must go to Chanel pop up * twitches while whispering under my breath
- Might check out this dance cardio studio I found out about via Carly A Hill's IG stories.
- Places to check out - Sel Rrose - via Grace Atwood
- How to generate more energy
- Game of thrones advent sock calendar!! Target really does know exactly what I need!
- I need this today!! Staying focused before the holidays!
- Cute!!! Here's to creating holiday traditions with friends.
- Gotta try em all - I need all the face masks.
- Culture fix - going to see this asap
- To Heal a broken heart - this was an amazing piece about real ass adult separations. Plus, her outlook on breakups was severely refreshing
- Nerd out - idk, I thought this was interesting
- This excellent quote, beautiful photo and a nice reminder to be thankful to be in such a magical city, no matter the weather … snow is kind of magical.
- Belted waists are kind of growing on me again…
- Cute!! Checking these stores out ASAP since I'm a 10-minute drive from Hoboken!!
Weekly High
So the part of the week that stands out the most was having the honor of going to the private Christian Louboutin Sample Sale. Guys... it was AMAZING! Since I'm a 9.5, I can wear their 9.5 - 10.5 shoes and there were so many amazing options! The shoes were still an investment, but an investment that I've wanted for 10+ years. I only bought what I could pay in cash for, so I only got one pair of shoes... even though there are 2 more pairs I left behind that I keep thinking about. One of the pairs I keep thinking about are the ones I found for a friend... I feel like Gollum/Smeagol from the Lord of the Rings because I want the precious shoes!!! I know, I have a lot of issues, but I am who I am. Maybe next year I can manage to get invited again. According to the research I did before the sample sale (because I'm crazy and need to research everything/have a plan for everything, the a lot of retailers also feature sales for the glorious red sole heels for about 65% off during a summer sale. I'll link to some sales if I can find them on sale right now. It's the holidays so sales are bound to be popping up. Until then, here are some great places to find discounted luxury goods (because paying full price for anything is stupid lol)
- Etsy
- The Real Real
- The Outnet
- Poshmark
- Bag Borrow Steal
Weekly Lows
Oh goodness, this was honestly a pretty low week for me. I was really upset about my career status, finances, weight, physical appearance and so much more this week... but I was mainly upset about my career and how far behind I allowed myself to get in my online class. I felt defeated and that led to a pity party, which led to skipping the gym 3 out of 4 days this week (but I did go on Friday night, so yay me!) Although I was mad at myself, I wasn't shaken to my core with thoughts of being an utter failure or launched into a manic depressive episode like I experienced for the first 3 quarters of the year... and that alone gives me SO MUCH FREAKING HOPE! The fact that I've put myself back in therapy and I'm developing the coping skills to push through these hard emotions and psychological and physiological reactions is an amazing confidence boost. Also, writing to you, for you, here on my own website is a major lifeline for me.
I feel happy, free and fulfilled when I write, dance, create, curate and solve problems. And I'm doing all of those things. I'm not doing them as frequently or consistently as I want to, but baby steps are just as important as big leaps. Life is a marathon after all, not a sprint. If you take anything from this message today, I hope it's this: you don't need to have it figured all out right now! You just need to do 3 things a day that moves you closer to your goal! Whether that's meal prepping to eat healthier and save money, budget, apply for 3 new jobs you'll actually enjoy, set aside 30 minutes today to figure out what you want to do with your life, sign up for an online course to master new skills, paint in order to nurture your soul, put on a face mask, clean your room or even just get out of bed (trust that the latter feels nearly impossible for me when I'm having really bad days), you're still making progress.
So I'm challenging you right fucking now, grab a pen and paper and write down 3 productive things you should do today that will move you towards your goals and feed your soul. I don't care how big or small they are. as long as you do those 3, your day has been successful. I did this exercise this morning (while using my amazing happiness planner - this is the only planner I've used for the past 2 years because it's the best planner I've ever had). My 3 were the following:
- start an application for a report part-time job (because I want to make a lot more money in 2019... like $15K more and it's gonna happen!)
- write this blog post
- finish Module 3 & 4 for my online course
Please share the three things you're going to commit to today below! That way we can cheer each other on while we move one step closer to creating our dream lives. No one else is going to give it to us. We have to make it on our own. Thank you for spending time with my thoughts today. I appreciate your support so much and I hope we can help each other on our journeys while we try to "make it' in the world. Lots of love my friend.
December Mood Board & Wellness Challenge
December 3, 2018
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Photos by Haley Phelps ,Honey Fangs , Mourad Saadi , Simon Zachrisson |
And just like that, it’s Christmas again. I’d be lying if I told you I felt sane and put together right now. I still want to accomplish soooooooooo much and participate in every single holiday activity before the season passes, so it’s safe to assume that I’m putting way too much pressure on myself. But I'm aware that this mentality is the opposite of healthy, so I've come up with a plan to swerve the BS. I’m not ok with spending this amazing time of year being overwhelmed, stressed and anxious. I am constantly working on being kinder to myself and purging my limiting beliefs. So this month, I’m trying three things to embrace the magic that comes along with the holidays, be content with where I currently am and live life joyously regardless of how much I check off my to-do list! I hope you challenge yourself to do the same, that way, we can learn how to be more present together. We’re here to help each other figure out life, after all.
- Every Sunday evening for the month of December, I’ll block out solo me-time and try a different wellness/fun self-care activity. I’m thinking at-home spa night, poetry night, cheesy Christmas movie, fill out my “Style Your Mind” book, paint & wine night, solo dance party... this list could go on and on. This is the number one way for me to avoid burnout (btw, I feel like I'm on the verge of burning out) and to feed my soul. This is part of my self-rescue plan.
- Go to a coffee shop for 3 hrs every weekend to have uninterrupted time to work towards building my dream career. By going to a coffee shop, I continue to prove to myself that I’m capable of showing up for the things I want in life, even if I’m not going at the speed I desire.
- Pick a holiday activity out of my holiday bucket list jar (I'll be sharing this list later on in the week) each weekend and commit to doing it. I won’t get to all of the things on my list, but I’ll at least get to 5 of them, and I’m ok with that!
This year, I’m giving myself the gift of not trying to do it all. I’m doing what I can for now and letting go of the rest. So cheers to us for being ok with where we are and learning to embrace the moment. Life rarely pans out the way we plan anyway so we might as well learn how to push through our angst and have some (responsible) fun. I hope you can take these 3 steps and apply them to your week. I know we’re one step closer to figuring this thing called life out. Thank you for supporting me and my brand. You’re love and time means the world to me. Lots of love my friend.
P.S. Here are a few budget-friendly things I'm rewarding myself with this season. These small things put a smile on my face and help me remember to embrace the small things in life. And if you shop from these links, I make a super small commission (but 5 cents is better than no cents so I'm not complaining). Hope you enjoy!
Retail Therapy Volume 1: Thanksgiving/Black Friday Edition & Coping During the Holidays
November 22, 2018
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Photo by Rose Elena |
Hey, there gang! I hope everyone is having an amazing Thanksgiving! As expected, there are a ton of amazing deals this weekend. I went a tab bid crazy every single day this week because there have been so many irresistible sales all week long! But before we jump into where to shop and what to shop for, I want to provide some helpful links for anyone dealing with loss, grief or sickness this Thanksgiving. We're so blessed to get to see another Thanksgiving, but the holidays can be extra brutal if you're:
- grieving the loss of a loved one
- going through a breakup
- battling a mental or physical illness
- dealing with severe financial pressures
- watching someone you love suffer while battling an illness
- 6 Ways to Cope With the Holidays When You’re Sad
- 5 Ways to Have Your Healthiest & Happiest Holiday Season Yet
- 64 Tips for Coping with Grief at the Holidays
- How to Enjoy the Holiday Season When You're Chronically Ill
Do you guys ever drink too much wine from the comfort of your bed and think "you know what would make today a lot better? An online shopping binge!!" No? Just me? Well Monday, I decided to treat myself and just dump a ton of things I want in my online shopping cart and waited until the morning to actually check out because I don't need to drain my savings. But I did find a ton of cute stuff Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Today and I wanted to share it with you! Why? Because sharing is caring, and I care that you look like a boss ass bad bitch this holiday season. I hope you like the things I've rounded up the sales and items below. I know I do! But please shop responsibly! I already placed large orders through Showpo, Shein and BCBG so be better than me... or join me on the dark side. It's up to you. That's just as much a reminder to me as it is to you. Sending so much love your way!!! Thanks for swinging by my site today. Until next time my friend and happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Thanksgiving & Black Friday Deals to Know and Shop (Shop Responsibly!)
- Kendra Scott - 30% off
- Talbots - 50% off one item and 40% off your entire purchase
- Asos - 25%
- BCBG Generation - 50% off Everything
- Showpo - 25% off $100 or more
- Adore Me - BOGO + money off
- Boohoo - 60% off (the percentage off keeps changing every few hours though)
- Saks Off %th - One day only Warehouse Sale (Black Friday)
- LL Bean - 25% off Bean Boots, 20% Apparel & Outerwear
- Click here for 175+ more Black Friday Deals and 230+ Cyber Monday Deals
Weekly Reads 11.16.18
November 16, 2018
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Photo by Filip Zrnzević |
We saw our first snowfall yesterday! What we thought was going to be a light mist of snow for 2 hours ended up being a non-stop snowstorm that shut down a lot of the city. Luckily, I didn’t have to deal with any of the horrors that some of my friends did on their commute home. I had a seamless commute back to my bed after a long workday and for that, I’m super grateful. Now it’s Friday and it’s time to enjoy the weekend. I am still battling a cold, but I’m excited to rest for most of the weekend and rejuvenate because I am physically and emotionally tired. I’m excited to set aside time to reset… now I just have to follow through with my quiet weekend. Anyway, I hope you like the links I rounded up this week!! I hope you dive into these links with a nice glass of wine while wearing the comfiest PJs and some seasonal candles to create the coziest ambiance. You deserve a soothing night in.
Happy Holidays!
Yes, yes and YES!!!! The extravagant holiday window displays lining 5th Ave are officially back. I love grabbing hot apple cider and walking around at night to see the beautiful displays. This is a fun, free and inspiring activity I have no shame doing by myself but if you want to make it a little more fun, grab a friend and spike your apple ciders. Then head somewhere for live music and warm food. Ah, there’s nothing like NYC during the holidays.
Chanel is redesigning its flagship store in NYC… I’m so excited I could cry. It’s 5 freaking stories and basically looks like an art gallery. It’s my goal to buy a classic quilted Chanel bag this year, and now I know which store to grab it from.
Shop Til You Drop: Time to start mapping out your Black Friday gameplan. Check out this list here to know where to go. You’re welcome lol.
This is the funniest podcatst!!! Great for something comical to listen to at work. It’s freaking WILD. They talk about the craziest, most inappropriate stuff, drag everything and everyone, touch on mental health and bring up important issues but discuss them in a more digestible way and the questions that listeners write in with legit have my dying laughing on the subway. My life would be incomplete without The Read Podcast.
This is a good freaking post: Getting out of your own way
I wanna go camping! And this is a good guide for that https://camillestyles.com/travel/how-to-have-the-perfect-camping-weekend/
Get Well: Organic vitamins by Alicia aka Cher from Clueless… did you know that most vitamins are a complete scam and are actually bad for you!!! Watch this video and tell me you don’t want to make some major nutrition changes
Reading List: The Inspired Home Fall/Winter edition! My new obsessions! Not only did it feel luxurious to read, but it was so inspiring and focused mainly on health/ wellness
Weekly Highs and Lows
Honestly, I don’t have the energy to reflect deeply on this because the week was a blur. From late night work events, battling a cold and trying to be productive outside of work, I can already tell I need a lot of help when it comes to naturally generating energy. But I can share that I started Better Help this week and I already really like it! Plus, I get assigned wellness worksheets, and there’s nothing I like more than a good worksheet because I love organizing my thoughts on paper. I’d love to hear what your highs and lows were this week though!
Good News! Our Twenties are Supposed to be Messy
November 13, 2018
Hi Guys,
Happy World Kindness Day!! I wanted to say hi really quickly and get something off my chest. So I’ve been a recovering perfectionists for a long ass time... honestly I can’t remember a time where I wasn’t one. And after realizing how unhealthy that mindset was in 2016, I’ve slowly gotten better at embracing the mess of life... but the key word is slowly.
Last week, I had an exceptionally messy week. I was ready to throw my career away, give up on all my dreams and destroy my romantic relationship (because why not push away the guy who’s proved to me time and time again that he loves and supports me). Let’s just say that I saw a preview of what a quarter-life crisis looks like last week. Luckily, I’ve calmed the f down this week, put myself back in therapy to deal with my erratic behavior, and did some major self-analysis to be a better partner to my boyfriend. Although I am proud of myself for cleaning up my mess, I started to feel SUPER guilty for letting myself spiral last week and for ignoring all of the signs leading up to my little snap.
In order to escape my shame vortex, I used some of those handy skills I’ve learned through therapy and started thinking “why am I embarrassed and guilty?” Who the fuck said that I had to have my shit together at the age of 24? I freaking don’t! And I shouldn’t expect myself to know all the answers! I’m allowed to make mistakes. I’m allowed to learn from hard lessons. I’m allowed to ask for help because who actually knows how to navigate adulthood 24/7? Are you putting the same pressures on yourself?
A part of me will always appreciate a little bit of pressure because it’s a nice form of motivation, but too much self-inflicted pressure is toxic. Personally, a lot of that self-induced pressure is driven by my fear of other people’s opinions. But guess what, I’m over it! We are freaking young and we are going to make a ton of mistakes. It’s fine. They kind of make life a little more interesting. As long as we don’t keep repeating those mistakes and actually learn from them, it’s all good. Plus, those mistakes can lead to some hilarious stories in the future. Now I can laugh with my friends about how disheveled we were just two short years ago.
So cheers to us making memories, making mistakes and making magic happen. We’re only young once, so we might as well take as many shots at our dreams, be nice to ourselves and say screw it to trying to be the best all the time. I'm ready to stop resisting the inevitable messiness of our 20s. I hope this post helps you feel less alone and a little more liberated. Congrats!! We’re not expected to know what the heck we are doing yet. Now we have one less thing to stress about. Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Your support means the world to me, and if you feel like sharing, I'd love to know what messy thing you've overcome in the past week or two in the comments below.
Currently Inspired By: The Upper East Side
November 5, 2018
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Photo by Nia Washington |
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Photos by: TiffanyandCo.com, Juan Di Nella |
Not only was the architecture delightful and inspiring (I studied art history YEARS ago, but have developed a serious appreciation for architecture ever since) but everyone was walking at a leisurely pace. I work in midtown, so I'm accustomed to people essentially throwing elbows and risking their lives to make it to the other side of the street before that big rig blocks the intersection (hey, at least there's never a dull moment). I felt as if I had been transported to another freaking world. A world where everyone was dressed well, enjoyed their mornings and lived in this posh little atmosphere. Granted, I was only walking for 15 minutes, so I wasn't there long enough to get a totally accurate impression but my experience was still lovely and inspiring. Side note, I was in heels during the whole walk, so I felt like a bad bitch. Shout out to Talbots for making comfortable booties that are chic and functional.
So to sum things up, taking a morning stroll on the UES gave me a new breath of hope, motivation and inspiration. Hope to build the life I want here in this incredible city where opportunity surrounds us. Motivation to dress up because it's fun, life is short and this is a great boost of confidence. And inspiration to create this post, put together powerful outfits and add little elements of beauty to my life through decor and fashion. I always think it's amazing how a simple walk in an unfamiliar neighborhood can fill you with so much joy and excitement. That's one reason why I love NYC so much; it's basically an IRL Pinterest board. There's inspiration, knowledge and beauty everywhere you look... unless it's trash day. But hey, that trash serves as a great reminder that nothing is perfect and that's ok. I hope you liked this post and it encourages you to explore this week. Thanks for stopping by and reading this post; your support means the world to me.
My UES Starter Kit
My vision on how to look the part of an UES Bad Bitch. Think posh, preppy and polished. For me that means all things cashmere, plaid, tweed and structured... and pairing these things with sky-high heels is the perfect way to stand out fron the crowd.
P.S. I get a small commission (legit like $0.05) if you shop the links below. if you find something you like and shop from below, just know how much I sincerely appreciate you. Lots of Love!
October 2018 Mood Board - 5 Minutes of Fall Inspiration
October 15, 2018
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Photo by Elora Allen, eberhard grossgasteiger, Vanessa von Wieding, Aaron Burden |
Weekly Reads 10.14.18
October 14, 2018
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Photo by Kerstin Wrba
I'm so sad that October is flying by! This is one of my favorite months, and I have so many fall things to do before the season ends! I'm sure you do too, but for now, I hope you grab a warm cup of tea or coffee and dive into the links below. Thanks for spending some time with me!
Gotta Get My Mind Right: Heard about this cool mental health community on Julia Engel’s IG stories. I’m excited to check it out. I also loved this article that explores a few reasons to seek out therapy.
Rich Bitch Money Tips: Let’s get cookin! I love this 2-week challenge of cooking all your meals at home. Very inspiring and a great way to save extra money.
All the Fall Fun: I’ve never been to new england in the Fall but I’m DYING to go to vermont after reading Abby Capalbo’s Vermont Fall Foliage guide!! AHHHHH I want to do all of the stuff on this list.
Lovely reads - I think I just found one of my new favorite writers. Even though I’m not planning on getting married anytime soon, I resonated with her fear about staying engaging/exciting.
Chill Out: I seriously want to try this CBD drink! I need all the help I can get when it comes to relaxing.
Cup of Jo: I need to go to Felix now! I’ve never seen such a beautiful coffee shop!
Do Your Part: This is a great guide for us to inform ourselves and vote for what we believe is best. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I just hope everyone who is eligible to vote takes time to do their research.
Bingeworthy: I’m so obsessed with Shane Dawson’s Jake Paul Documentary which explores whether Jake is a sociopath and exposes a dark side of YouTube. It’s sooooo good you guys
Let’s Talk About Tax Cuts: More tax cut info to help us adult better and understand a huge political issue.
Out East: If you need a reason to go to the Hamptons in the fall, this is your answer. You’re welcome
Shop Til You Drop
This is what’s in my amazon cart at the moment
Weekly agenda - I need to organize & purge like crazy!! This article inspired me.
Gotta Have IT: I’mma need these inserts for the fall and winter.
Pick Me Up: Watch this Puppy Bachelor video to instantly be happier.
Menu: I think this Trader Joes list was personally written for me because it answered all of my prayers
Dressed to the Nines: I loved this article because I miss getting dressed up for no reason! I want to challenge myself to dress up a little bit like I used to in high school and college. It was so much fun and that's when I felt my best… because I actaully took the time to invest and respect myself by doing something that makes me happy. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll never give up my yoga pants, but there’s nothing wrong with putting a little pep in your step 4 out of 7 days of the week.
Recent Highs
I had an AMAZING time in Austin, TX the other week with a few of my friends from college. I haven’t laughed that hard in a really long time! It was nice to be around a core group of people who have my same, twisted sense of humor
Recent Lows
I’ve been pretty sick recently. And because I’ve been sick, I physically haven’t been able to follow through with most of my goals ie.) going to the gym, going hiking in the Bronx, waking up at 5:30 to work on my blog… and so on. And at first I was totally fine because I knew I needed to rest, but now I just feel sad and behind. I've also had a lot of issues in my romantic relationship, but luckily, that seems to be turning around. Life tends to throw a lot of stuff at us all at once, but it always gets better eventually.
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