posts in Vacation Outfits

Wanderlust: Budget Friendly Vacation Outfits and Travel Tips

February 22, 2018

Pink Flamingo, Tropical Drinks, Beach, Greece

Do you ever close your eyes and dream of being somewhere else? Somewhere warm, where there's a plethora of sunshine? Maybe you're on a boat, or maybe you're exploring a tropical island? Well I have been mentally checking out and going to my happy place every damn day for the past few weeks. I don't know how to express how done I am with this winter weather here in the greatest city on Earth, aka NYC. So to feed my wanderlust, I've been looking at beautiful places and beautiful clothes to wear to those beautiful places. Why? Because I'll be damned if I don't look fresh as hell during my next jetsetter adventure. Life is too short to not dress up and have fun every so often, so if you're planning for a dreamy, warm vacay, I hope this mood board, wish list and savvy traveler tips give your trip that extra dash of sparkle and magic you deserve.

Let me know in the comments below if you have a fun trip planned for the spring, and leave your vote for where I should save up to jet off to next! Thanks for taking a moment out of your day to check out my blog, and if you decide to shop from the affiliate links, I truly appreciate your support. Have a magical day, and remeber, traveling the world is easier than you think; you just have to plan and save for it!

Tropical Luxe List
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Tips to Afford Luxe Travel

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