posts in fall mood board

Some Random Thoughts + Early Fall Muses

September 23, 2021


Ooops, I took a little over a month off from writing on my blog and wow, I am always surprised by how much I miss just sharing my thoughts, dreams, sources of inspiration and ideas with you guys. This truly is a therapeutic outlet for me, just like dancing. But again and again, I talk myself out of sharing so many posts that are on my heart because I just get in my head and guess what, can I be a cold-hearted Capricorn bitch who talks myself out of doing a lot of things I love. Yeah - I'm working on it in therapy. 

But this isn't meant to be an emotional post today. Don't worry, I've cried a minimum of 5 times this week. One of those times occurred on a plane so yeah, it's safe to say my mental health has been teetering towards rock bottom and an emotional post is n the agenda for next week. Surprisingly, today's post is actually being written from a place of excitement, inspiration and awe. I guess you could say there's literally something in the air, because it feels like full-on fall in the city and it is exactly what the f*ck my soul needed! 

There are so many little and luxe things I want to implement into my life this season to have a happy fall. I want to be frugal, yet fashionable. I want to splurge and I want to save. And I want to create life-long memories with my loved ones. And the fact that I am still excited for so many things this season while dealing with some major b.s. in life means that I am seriously leveling up. In the past, bullshit has knocked me flat on my butt. But now I'm like naw, I'm going to endure the mess life is throwing at me, geet to work, fix the things I don't like about my life and look fabulous while doing so. After all, half the game is not knowing what the heck is going on but showing up in a confident state anyway. 

I don't really know how this intro has anything to do with my current fall muse board, but I really just wanted to catch up. I missed talking to you. And I hope this sage/jewel-toned mood board fills you with the same inspiration and excitement it brings me. Cheers to us feeling mysterious, sexy, powerful and luxurious this season. 

And thank you for spending a moment of your day to read and support my site. It truly means the world to me. Until next time my friend 

September Mood Board: Accepting the Process

September 4, 2019

Photos by: Photo by Alessio

September is such a lovely month. And with the start of a new month comes new goals to pursue. I think this month, I'm going to focus on accepting things as they are and as they appear. I'm going to approach situations with a wide-eyed sense of curiosity and wonder. And I'm going to focus on appreciating the beauty and simple magic that exists all around us in everyday life. There's just no point in making myself miserable over things I can't control or getting upset when things don't go my way. Yes, I like to be in control over the things I can actually control, but most things in life are out of my control. I've been trying to force so many specific things to happen in my career and dating life and trying to fix my relationship with myself overnight. And surprise, it's not working for me. I have been making myself miserable expecting instant gratification.

 But I don't want you to misunderstand. I am in no shape or form giving up on any of my goals. In fact, I'm going to work harder than ever to become the person whom I wish to be. But I'm adjusting my strategy and just going to focus on being the best version of myself, for myself. Not for my boss, not for a romantic interest, and certainly not for social media/societal acceptance. I'm going to show up for life every single day (even on the really shitty, painful and dark days) to the best of my ability, literally just for me. And I know that some days I'll be able to show up for myself better than others, and I'm ok with that. Because creating the life I want is going to take a lot of dedication and a lot of time. And that process will have lots of highs and lots of lows, which I accept.

I know that the only way to actually live a fulfilled life where you feel confident and are proud of the person you see in the mirror is to push through the shitty days and remember that the rough times are just temporary. And when the time comes, I'll make the salary I deserve to make, find the person who wants to build an incredible life by my side and continue to build my sense of self-worth.  And honestly, I can't think of a better feeling.

I wanted to thank you for spending time today to read this post. I hope you make your own monthly mood board and share it with me or one of your trusted friends. We all owe it to ourselves to seek out inspiration, and this is one of my favorite ways to start each month, with a little bit of inspo. Sending you all the love in the world.

October 2018 Mood Board - 5 Minutes of Fall Inspiration

October 15, 2018

Photo by Elora Alleneberhard grossgasteigerVanessa von WiedingAaron Burden  
October has become one of my all time favorite months. I can walk around without sweating to death.  The leaves are a beautiful color and the fluctuating weather means it's the optimal time for layering mini skirts with chunky sweaters and expanding my boots & booties collection. Then you add in Halloween, spiked apple cider, pumpkin patches, haunted houses and classic Disney Halloween movies and it's no wonder that most people like fall more than the other seasons. Even though I still have A LOT on my bucket/to-do list for this month (sometimes an overwhelming amount), I can't help but feel inspired every time I take a long stroll through an NYC or JC neighborhood. Maybe that's why I love fall so much? It' full of second, third and fourth chances. I hope this mini mood board inspires you to seek out beauty in your own neighborhood, go on a fall adventure, or create a warm and cozy environment in your home. I'm dying to know what inspires you the most this season. Leave a comment below and then I can share your tips with the rest of the community. Have a glorious Monday; you deserve to have a whimsical and magical season. Until next time my friend, and thanks for spending a little time with me! Your support means more to me than you think!

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