Savoring The Last Days Of The Season

August 15, 2021

Wow, I'm in awe at how fast this year is racing by. Fall is just around the corner, and although I absolutely adore the crisp air, beautiful leaves and fall fashion, I can't help but be a little sad to see summer coming to an end. Luckily, we still have a few more Summer Fridays on the calendar to indulge in before the chaos that comes with Fall unfolds. 

In order to soak up all the summer vibes I can, I am focusing on romanticizing my life in small, but meaningful ways. I have two more summer trips on the books - but with the delta variant sweeping the globe, a week-long getaway is no longer a guarantee. So this week, my summer goals are simple: 

1. Create a magical space to enjoy my meals outdoors 

2. Turn my backyard into a faux-tropical oasis 

3. Spend more time outside while working on creative projects, quietly reading or flipping through an inspiring magazine (preferably in the backyard hammock or in the shade in the neighborhood park).

I'm not setting any crazy, unattainable goals or creating an overwhelming bucket list for the end of fall. I'm simply just trying to enhance my surroundings and enjoy what I have and where I am. We are going to blink and it's going to be the holidays, so we might as well savor these long, warm and slow days while we can. I hope my little list encourages you to make one for yourself. And I'd love to learn how you plan to embrace the last days of summer. 

Here are a few things on my wish-list/I've recently purchased to help me take my spaces to the next level and feel like I'm on a luxurious vacation. 

For backyard entertaining, poolside fun, leisurely reading 

Thanks again for reading this post. Your support means the world to me. Wishing you a relaxing and magical end to the summer season. 

Weekend Self-Care Scavenger Hunt

July 31, 2021

Photo by Shayna Douglas 

Another glorious weekend is here! The closer we get to fall, the more I value having a soothing and restorative weekend. Life seems to be picking up pace quite quickly. Our schedules are filling up again. Our time is in higher demand, but I think we all learned the beauty of slowing down over the past year. Unfortunately, it can be really easy to forget to make time for (or strickly feel like you don't have the energy) the things that bring us peace and replenish our cups.  

Hence this weekend's self-care scavenger hunt. I'm using it as a fun and simple way to romanticize my weekend before heading into another chaotic and busy work week. Whether you're job hunting, grinding away at a corporate job, building a business, or dedicating your days to raising a family, we are all working very hard and giving so much of our time, energy and love to others. We deserve to show up for ourselves in the most loving way possible too. 


I'm dying to know what's on your self-care checklist this weekend! Let me know in the comments or over on IG! And thank you so much for taking a moment of your day to read this post. Your support means the world to me. And please share this post with anyone whom you think would enjoy it. The more positive people in our virtual circle, the better. Until next time my friend. 

Weekly Pick-Me Up: Vol 1

July 13, 2021

Photo by Will Truettner 

Idk why (well actually, I’m 99% sure it’s because it’s almost that time of the month for me) but I have been in a pretty bad mood ever since I got back from Italy. Because summer is so short and sweet, and I don’t want to spend another week feeling down and out. After all, this is supposed to be hot girl summer, not sad girl summer or mad girl summer. I just want to feel all the positive vibes... but positivity is something I'm really struggling to hold on to right now. 

Although we are all for processing our emotions, staying in a funk for a week+ is not the vibe I want right now. So I’m surrounding myself with a lot of positive quotes, books, podcasts and people. Here are a few quotes I found last night that reminded me to take a moment, breathe, and accept that life is messy and sometimes uncontrollable and everything will be ok. I hope these quotes add a little inspiration to your week like they are for mine. 

And here are a few books I'm leaning on this week to reset my attitude and see the positive side of life right now. 

Thanks for spending a moment of your day to read and support my dreams. Sending you lots of love! Until next time my friend 

Summer Muses: Vaccinated Edition

June 26, 2021

Photo by Igor Oliyarnik

 So I took an unintentional break from writing. You know when you get in those moods and just can't find the energy to do the extra things you love? Well that's the vibe I had for most of May, but now that Summer Fridays are in full swing,  I'm in my friend Vondell's amazing creative/career/entrepreneur course and have a few vacations on the books to look forward to, I feel revived! Summer is so sweet. The relaxed nature of work, the excitement of being able to internationally travel again, reuniting with friends whom I haven't seen in over a year! This summer is in full swing!! And I want to savor every moment of it by making more time for the things I love. Here are a few things that are inspiring me to have an invigorating summer. From simple pleasures to normalizing luxury in my life, there's a wide range of things I am focusing on consistently doing this season to find more joy. After all, I think 2020/ the first part of 2021 was hard for most of us. We deserve nice things (even if we are on a strict budget) this season. Cheers to a magical, fulfilling and inspired summer! 

Photos by: Martyna Bober, Will Truettner, Heather Ford, Angelo Pantazis,
Mathilde Langevin, Annie Spratt 

Summer 2021 Muses 

  • Leisurely drinking coffee and tea in the morning
  • AM workouts
  • Feeling confident in my body, especially through dance
  • Embracing the jet-setter lifestyle
  • Oranges, pinks, yellows, pastel blues, and emerald greens! These colors are dominating my wardrobe right now. I keep gravitating towards them. 
  • Tennis outfits
  • All the water destinations
  • Alfresco dinners
  • Long lunch breaks while WFH
  • Morning dips in the pool
  • Fresh seafood
  • Chilled rosè and posh outfits
  • Cookouts with friends
  • Flipping through a glossy magazine
  • Reading outdoors under the shade
  • Turning my outdoor spaces into an oasis
  • Long walks with good friends or podcasts
  • Dancing in the mirror daily
  • Fresh mani pedis
  • Fresh picks from the farmers market
  • Seaside escapes to remote areas
  • Luxury handbags and accessories
  • Friday nights in, curled up on the couch, snuggling with the one you love

And here is a little bingo card I made to encourage us to make time for ourselves this summer. 

What's inspiring you this summer? Leave a comment below and tag me on IG if you make a muse/mood board of your own! Thanks for spending a moment of your day reading this post! Your support means the world to me! Until next time friend. 

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