The Ultimate Fall 2018 Bucket List: Everything You Should Do this Fall in NYC

September 24, 2018

Fall 2018 Pumpkins
Photo by Brigitte Tohm 

There's someting about fall in New York City that puts a pep in everyone's step here. The weather is beautiful. We aren't at risk of having a heat stroke while waiting for our subway train. And everyone is a little nicer. It's hard not to have more energy during this season in the city. Fall has always been one of my favorite times to make magical memories. For me, writing a seasonal bucket list adds another layer of excitement to the season and helps me stay accountable for having fun instead of midlessly wathcing Netflix every weekend. I truly believe that all of us are wayyyy too stressed out, so we have to prioritize having fun and relaxing. This is my gameplan to do so. I hope my list helps you get excited for the upcoming weeks and inspires you to add a few things to your bucket list! Also, feel free to print out this bucket list I made for us so we'll have a daily reminder. Leave a comment and let me know what's on your list this fall!! Unitl next time my friend, and thanks for taking a moment out of your day to spend some time with me. Lots of love!!!

Mid September Mood Board: A Month of Focus and Freedom

September 15, 2018

Photo by Estée Janssens,  Oskars SylwanRoman KraftAugustin de MontesquiouRobin BenzrihemCédric Klei 

Another month has come and gone. At first I was dreading the end of summer, but now I’m  ready to embrace the magic of fall in the city. Of course, I’m still going to wear white because F*** the rules, but I am going to start transitioning my closet and decor for this fall season. And this month, I’m focusing on not letting my emotions control me. For the past week, I have let my emptions get the best of me. I've ignored the things I've truly wanted to accomplish, and I'm not ok with that. Now, I’m focusing on going after what makes me happy and ignoring other people’s invalid opinions and the netative thoughts that pop into my head. I want a lot out of life, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I also want to spread a lot of love and kindness around the world, but I can’t do that if I’m constantly having panic attacks or binge watching Netflix to avoid stress. Making time to reflect is important to me, and I've come to realize that my panic attacks stem from three place:

One - the fear of my loved ones dying (totally valid)
Two - the fear of judgement and ridicule of others
And Three - the nasty little voice in my head that’s telling me I’m wasting my life away because I’m not working hard enough or that there's no point in even trying becuse I'll fail regardless. 

Now I realized that I’m not in control of 2/3 of the list above, but I am in control of how I react to other people’s opinions and I’m definitely in control of whether or not I listen to that hoe up inside my head. So this month, I’m embracing anything and everything that makes me happy as long as it’s physically, emotionally and financially responsible and doesn't cause harm to others. 

If I'm feeling down and uninspired, I’m gonna dip out and go to a coffee shop or sit in the park. If I’m feeling stressed out and need to do a yoga session at work, I'm going to go into our break room and have a 5 minute yoga session. My job assignments can wait. If I want to get a little dressed up and wear a fun outfit to make myself feel confident and strong, I’m going to do it (even if it means disrespectful men catcall at me. Also, I’m planning to get a taser lol). If I want to post that picture on Instagram on a Saturday at 3 pm even though my insights say that’s not a good time to post, I’m going to freaking post it and stop worrying about the likes and followers. 

This September, I’m taking back my power and putting myself in the driver’s seat again. I’m sick of constantly telling myself no because “oh goodness, what will people whom I barely know think of me” Nah, screw that. It’s time for me to do what I like, and it’s time for you to do the same … as long as it’s safe, doesn’t destroy your bank account, or have malicious intent. 

Well that’s all for now folks. Thank you so much for reading this! You’re a real one, and your support means the world to me. And don't forget, you're never alone. I'm just an email/DM away if you need someone to talk to. Until next time my love. 

Currently Coveting: Savoring Late Summer - Wear into Fall

August 24, 2018

Photo by Charisse Kenion 

I don't know about you but I have mixed feelings about the fast approaching end of summer. I love summer and the chill freedom it brings, but fall offers a sense of new beginnings, a second wind to work towards our goals. I feel like I'm in a constant tug of war because I'm sad to see summer go, but excited to buckle down and make this upcoming fall my little B**** in the most productive sense possible. So while I'm waiting for the seasons to transition, here are a few things that I've been craving and coveting hardcore. I even bought a few of the items below, and guess what, I'm probably going to buy more (as long as they are within my budget because I need to stop overspending asap).

Luckily, all the pieces I'm current lusting after will completely be wearable in fall. So cheers to making the end of summer count and planning for a fun fall. I hope this short, curated list helps you pinpoint any fun items you want to add to your wardrobe. I'd love to know what pieces of clothing or accessories you've been coveting lately. And thanks so much for taking time to read my post. You're support seriously makes me day! Until next time!

P.S. This post has affiliate links! That means if you purchase from below, I get a small commission that the brand pays me (like 10 cents to a dollar) NOT you! Thanks for your support! 

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August Mood Board: Soaking Up the Last Days of Summer

August 18, 2018

For the first part of August, I was focused on one thing... not losing my freaking mind! Life really kicked it up a notch and started throwing hard balls at my family, my relationship and my job. From what I can tell, pretty much everyone around me had a rocky start to August. Apparently Mercury is still in retrograde until August 18th (aka today)... honestly, I don't take astrology too seriously, but maybe there's something to it after all.

Luckily, we still have two weeks left of the month to fill this summer with beautiful experiences. I plan to hit up a few more tropical themed restaurants, finish my summer reads, avoid wearing pants at all costs and indulge in a much-deserved staycation. I know my list isn't packed with a million fun activities, but that's the beauty in it. I want to embrace some ease and flow, so for the rest of summer, I am relaxing and seeing what blessings life throws my way. We put so much pressure on ourselves. It's time for an actual break.

How are you planning to enjoy these last weeks of summertime? I'd love to hear in the comments below. Until next time my friend, and thank you so much for stopping by. Your support means everything to me... seriously! Thanks for helping me get one step closer to my dreams. Lots of love!

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